Friday, February 17, 2012

Book Haul (2)

Oh hi, look what came in the mail today! Richelle Mead's Georgina Kincaid series. Mead is most known for her YA series Vampire Academy. This series is one of her adult ones and, even though the titles and cover art beg to differ, it is amazing. I started to read them on my Nook and loved it so much I went ahead and just bought the entire series! I am currently on the third book and looking forward to the others :) 

Also, is it only my UPS guy that knocks like a madman on my door or is that just something they do? I swear, scares the living daylights out of me every time. At least I always get goodies after!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Graphic Novels Week

...or day, in my case. Misty at The Book Rat is hosting Graphic Novels Week! What an awesome idea, I've read some from the genre and am excited to find new titles to delve into. In honor of the event, I opted to re-read and review two of the Jane Austen graphic novels put out by Marvel.

Sense and Sensibility adapted by Nancy Butler, illustrated by Sonny Liew. Originally written by the wonderful Jane Austen.

I absolutely loved this adaptation! The essence of the story remained and Butler's adaptation both kept the tone of Austen's original work as well as adding her own voice to the mix. 

Now, what differentiates this graphic novel from the original is, of course, the pictures! Boy, did Liew do an absolutely splendid job! The illustrations were quirky, adorable, pastel-based, and a perfect fit for the novel. If you are an Austen fan, this is a must read. If you are a graphic novel fan, this is also a must read. 

Rating: 4/4

Pride and Prejudice adapted by Nancy Butler , illustrated by Hugo Petrus. Originally written by Jane Austen.

Another Austen graphic novel adaptation by Butler! The writing and dialogue were very good, retaining the wit of the original work.  

My main disappointment with this graphic novel is with the illustrations. I do not like the way the characters were adapted.  The colors feel too dark and heavy. The women all look so similar to each other. I swear, some of them look like the illustrator took the same face and just changed the hair colors. Though I tried to ignore it, the illustrations severely hindered my enjoyment of the graphic novel.

Rating: 2/4  

In addition to the two previous graphic novels, I have one more Austen adaptation on my wishlist that I have yet to read. That would be Emma, once again adapted by Nancy Butler, now illustrated by Janet Lee. I can assume that Butler will continue to do a good job with the writing and by the looks of it, Lee's illustrations will be just as adorable, quirky, and fitting as Liew's for Sense and Sensibility. I am excited to eventually read this and am pretty positive that it will be much better than the Pride and Prejudice adaptation!

Yay for Graphic Novels Week! :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Review: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

It has a bit of a slow start but once it picks up, it is splendid. Yes, this is a story about growing up as a teenager and navigating the ins and out of what that means. The plot itself is not the most original and honestly, the writing is not my favorite. However, the characters are wonderful. Charlie, the quirky and introverted protagonist, is absolutely endearing. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a quick read and worthy of the effort. It definitely tugged at my teenage self. I feel like there are some books that are best read at a certain stage in life. Similar to The Catcher in the Rye, I feel like this book is more relevant when read as a teenager. That being said, even though I am not a teenager, I definitely enjoyed this book.

Rating: 3/4

Friday, February 10, 2012

You can't take the sky from me

Taking longer than expected but pretty stoked for the finished product! Yay for nerd crafting! :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Book Haul (1)

I always tell myself I should buy less books but we all know that's a crazy notion! Plus, the fact that I work right next to a Barnes & Noble is quite enabling. I guess being addicted to books is a good choice considering the plethora of other things I could be addicted to. Trader Joe's chocolate peanut butter cups, for example. Now that is a disastrous, but oh so delicious, addiction.